Random observations in my Monday moanin’…
= The U.S. Army had an elaborate recruiting set-up at a shopping mall over the weekend. The display included tents with shooter video games and banks of computer stations. A “Soaring Eagle” Computer Tournament was operated at the computer stations. I saw a good number of minors tapping away at the computers. In fact, most of the computer-oriented activities were big attractions to minors. Doesn’t the Army know that -- just like torture -- recruiting minors is illegal under international law?
= The Army had plenty of “freebies” at the mall to hand out: decks of playing cards, computer game CDs, pseudo dog tags, computer mouse pads and more. The freebies were care of the military’s desperate multi-billion dollar recruiting budget, which is paid for by our tax dollars. Noticeably absent from the scene was protesting anti-tax teabaggers who oppose wasteful spending.
= Incredibly, the media blared the supposed identity of
= In the credit card reform debate in
= This caught my eye in Sunday’s editions of the Lansing State Journal and the Chicago Tribune: separate stories related to Mexican/Latino issues were both accompanied with prominent photos of individuals sporting Mohawk haircuts, a rare look you would find among the thousand of people participating in the covered events.
= Lansing (MI) incumbent Mayor Virgil Bernero officially announced over the weekend that he will run for re-election. I don’t know what to make of the fact that Bernero was voted both the favorite local politician and worst politician in the Lansing City Pulse’s recent Top of the Town contest.
= Secretary of State Hillary Clinton was in press accounts warning that
= I’m surprised that I’m surprised about the amount of television people watch, as evidenced by the streaming commentary across Twitter. After years of limited TV service, I recently expanded my cable service to get more channels. Not much has changed. Programming is very weak. Somewhere along the way, the medium jumped the shark.
-- Rico Thomas Rico