Monday, June 1, 2009

The People's Perspective on the Economic Meltdown in Detroit, Part 2

On this day, the day General Motors filed for bankruptcy, it is good timing to publish Part Two of the recent people’s town hall discussion on the economy.

The town hall discussion on the Detroit Economic Meltdown was held at Cobo Hall on the Saturday, May 23rd, during the Memorial Day holiday weekend, which was odd timing in my opinion. I took the trip down to Detroit to record the event and I am publishing my video compilations in two parts, this being the second. Part One can be viewed here.

The trip to Detroit was well worth it. The topic -- "Meltdown in Detroit: Economic Collapse, a People's Plan for Recovery" -- was addressed by a first-rate panel of activists and social commentators. The panel included Grace Lee Boggs, Barbara Ehrenreich, Dianne Feeley, Elena Herrada, Robert Pollin, and JoAnn Watson. Political writer and blogger from The Nation, John Nichols, was the moderator. Also on hand was U.S. Representative John Conyers.

Below are links to video of the second half of the panel discussion, which was based on questions submitted by the audience. The videos are described by topic address in each segment. Click on topic to watch the video:

= “Industrial Policy/On The Impact of 'Green” Jobs'" - Robert Pollin, Economist from Unv. of Massachusetts

= “The Fallacy of Full Employment” - Barbara Ehrenreich, Author/Activist

= “Employment and Living Wages” - JoAnn Watson, Detroit City Council Member

= “The Nature of Work/On Detroit Being the Chiapas of North America - Grace Lee Boggs, Long-time Detroit Activist

= “On Following Destructive Rules/The Forces That Keep Us Apart” - Elena Herrada, Detroit/Union Activist

= “Union Action on the Meltdown/On Good Schools and Neighborhood” - Dianne Feeley, Union Activist

= ”On Single-Payer Health Care” - Robert Pollin, Economist from Univ. of Massachusetts

= “On Capitalism and Socialism” - Barbara Ehrenreich, Author/Activist

= "Is Socialism the Answer?" - Grace Lee Boggs, Long-Time Detroit Activist

= The 2010 U.S. Social Forum Announcement - Maureen Taylor, Michigan Welfare Rights Organization

Obviously, our communities have a lot to talk about, as demonstrated by the topics addressed in Detroit over Memorial Weekend. But it's only the beginning.

-- Rico Thomas Rico

2010 U.S. Social Forum Announcement

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