Monday, April 27, 2009

RTR's Manic Monday 27 April 2009

More random musings...

= I’m more amazed every day as I re-connect with more and different people on Facebook, especially former classmates from high school, friends from the neighborhood, the college years, etc. Like the last two days, when a name pops up on FB and my reaction is “wow.” Each reaction has a different shade of meaning. None have been negative, so far. Still, it’s all uncharted territory as formerly-long-lost friends, acquaintances, lovers, and – yes – enemies can find you. Memories found and never quite evaded or discarded again.

= Facebook has made more obvious the point that Lansing, Michigan – call it the Greater Lansing Area – is truly a small town. A small town made even smaller by the Internet. Great.

= With amusement I watch a number old Democrats, still living off their long-worn liberal credentials from the 1970s, firmly planted in the establishment and very pro-business. Do they think nobody notices?

= The establishment old Democrats are balanced off by a good number of young Democrats who are establishment-wannabes. It doesn’t take long to figure out why some of our basic public-policy needs – national health care is one good example – go unfulfilled.

= For a long time, I have followed from a distance the music career of Stewart Francke, the singer-songwriter who is very well known in the Detroit area. Stu was an upperclassman when we both attended Saginaw Arthur Hill High many years ago (and we’re now Facebook friends). On May 7, 2009, he will receive a Lifetime Achievement Arts Award from the Saginaw Arts & Enrichment Commission. Read about here. An important commitment in East Lansing on that day will prevent me from attending the awards ceremony.

= Artist Mike Selley was a neighborhood friend while growing up in Saginaw and attending Catholic school. News hit the Internet that some his artwork will be used in the upcoming Sony Pictures movie “2012” starring John Cusack. Read about it here.

= From the “I-want-to-party-with-you” category on Twitter comes this mid-Michigan woman’s self-description: “Hedonistic coquette; happily married; mother of 2; combating the boredom and banality.”
That deserves a double "wow."

= I was as surprised recently when a campaigner for a Lansing City Council candidate flippantly scoffed at and dismissed Twitter. It was astonishingly out of touch for someone who is twenty-something and supposedly politically astute. The candidate seemed to be similarly out of touch when it came to Twitter. Not a big deal, but candidates should not bypass access to the many opinion-makers that are chattering on Twitter.

-- Rico Thomas Rico


P.Dids said...

I seem to recall a certain blogger who "flippantly scoffed at and dismissed Twitter" after first trying it. Oh, how that blogger has changed his mind.

Remember that people learn (sometimes the hard way), and that feelings and ideas about the world (including Twitter) are dynamic, not static. In other words, give the dude a break and let him/her change their mind.

Rico Thomas Rico said...

Yes, in a social context,I scoffed at Twitter for the first month after becoming registered user -- many first time users have that same reaction. My advice to people is use it, and keep using it, and you will see how it works well.

It took me a month to begin to understand its usefulness and now I 'tweet' and have organizations I'm affiliated with 'tweeting' too.

My point is that in a political context -- as with the availability of Facebook -- if you are not using Twitter today in your campaign strategy, you are missing a big opportunity to reach an important audience. I advocated for and recommended Twitter to these politicos and was rebuffed. No need for me to cut them a break, it's not my campaign. I did my job by giving them the best information and advice I had.

-- RTR

This Week's Jukebox: Song Book II