Typical Monday Moanin'...
= Detroit Free Press Columnist Carol Cain reported Sunday that Michigan Gubernatorial candidate, Republican Mike Cox, had no women on his 26-member Business and Financial Advisory Committee. Cox might want to look to see if anyone has published Diversity-Training-for-Political-Dummies.
= I am still trying to figure out how I missed last Friday’s ignitelansing in
= Thanks go out to Hugo Chavez for recommending the book Open Veins of Latin America, which he very publicly gave to President Obama. I secured my copy from Everybody Reads Bookstore and have started reading it. I can tell early on in reading it, the book is a powerhouse work. More on this later.
= The teabagging anti-tax crowd that visited
= The American peace community has never really said it out loud: “We told you so.” The peace community is slowly being vindicated as each new detail of Bush’s warmongering, torturing, and other illegalities come out in the daily press.
-- Rico Thomas Rico
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