Monday, December 8, 2008

U.S. Fails to Sign International Cluster Bomb Ban

Last Wednesday, the U.S. failed to sign the international convention on banning the production of cluster bombs. This was not a surprise to me and others in the peace community, nor to our neighbors around the globe. The U.S. military establishment -- and its enablers in the White House and Congress -- refuse to join the world community in banning the production and use of this horrible weapon, which ends up indiscriminately victimizing scores of civilians. We can only hope that President Obama next year will change U.S. policy. On this policy matter, the American peace community has the audacity of hope.

When the 2008 Cluster Bomb Survivors tour came through Lansing in early October, I had the opportunity to talk with Soraj Ghulam Habib of Afghanistan. Soraj lost both legs and part of a hand in a cluster bomb explosion. He was 10 years old and picnicking with this family when the incident happened. The interview is posted immediately below.

-- Rico Thomas Rico

Interview with Soraj Ghulam Habib,
Cluster Bomb Survivor

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